You might think that you automatically get weaker and less agile as you age, but that doesn’t have to be true if you stay fit as you get older. Best of all, it’s never too late to start. I have people that come have started in their 60s and are amazed at how much younger they feel. While it is harder, with consistent effort, it’s possible. Something as simple as making it a habit of taking 10,000 steps a day can make a huge difference in your overall health. Just imagine what actually working out in the gym can do. You’ll do more than just boost your agility, strength, and endurance, you’ll be boosting your brainpower, too.
Never underestimate the benefits of whole foods.
If you want to stay younger looking and feeling, clean out your cupboards and throw away processed foods. Stick with healthier whole foods. A healthy diet and extra nutrition is even more important since the body doesn’t absorb some nutrients as well when you age. Whole foods are far better than popping extra vitamins, since they provide phytonutrients, like anthocyanins that give purple, red, and blue vegetables and fruits their color. They’re potent antioxidants that protect the cells. Foods like nuts, salmon, and avocado provide healthy fats that help the brain and skin. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to get rid of a potbelly when you’re eating healthier.
Make sure you have adequate hydration.
Don’t bother with sports drinks. Plain water is the best. It has no calories and is the perfect form for hydration. The older you get, the more prone to dehydration you become. Not only do you feel less thirsty than you did when you were younger, but your body also loses fluids quicker. If you’re over 50, keep a bottle of water with you at all times and even drink when you’re not thirsty. While dry skin, fever, and dizziness are some symptoms of dehydration, the worse one is the confusion that’s often mistaken for dementia or other mental conditions in older people.
Don’t forget to exercise.
Of course, exercising should be a top priority, too. People don’t wear out, people rust out. Lack of exercise can lead to serious conditions. It makes it harder to do the daily tasks that were a breeze years earlier. You need more than just aerobic exercise, such as the 10,000 steps a day. Even though it’s a good start, you need strength training, flexibility training, and training to improve your balance. Strength training is particularly important to keep you healthy. It can help prevent injury.
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