Is Working Out At Night Bad?
Cameron Gee • April 17, 2022

Is Working Out At Night Bad?

Working out is a fundamental part of pursuing a healthy lifestyle. However, life gets busy and finding time to get some workouts in can be really difficult between crazy work schedules and social obligations. While maintaining a regular workout routine alleviates stress and improves your mental and physical heal, squeezing in a sweat can be a challenge. So you find that you need to stay on track, but it seems like squeezing in a workout session in the P.M. is the only way to remain consistent with your workouts.

Most experts recommend working out before you get started with your day because it boosts brain activity and improves your mood ahead of your regular daily duties. However, if a nighttime workout is all that you can manage, then it is better to work out at night than not workout at all.

Most people worry that working out at night may interrupt and throw off their natural sleep cycle, affecting the overall quality of their sleep. As it has been repeatedly emphasized, quality sleep and enough rest are crucial for your well-being, so it is not advisable to mess with your rest or sleep. However, there are some things you can do to ensure that your night time workout does not interfere with the quality of your sleep or your natural sleep cycle.

Nighttime workouts dos and don’ts

1.    Don’t work out on an empty stomach Do eat something prior to your workout session

Readily available energy improves your performance and prevents you from overeating after your workout due to low blood sugar. Some pre-workout fuel like a banana or peanut butter (mainly quick-digesting carbohydrates) ensure that you have adequate energy for high intensity workout. It is advisable to go for something healthy.

2.    Don’t skip your post workout snack Do grab a healthy snack after your workout

Post-workout fuel is essential regardless of the time you work out. Most people who eat their dinner before their night-time workout do not feel the need to eat afterwards, but that can compromise muscle recovery. Our growth hormones are most active when we are asleep and after a workout, so it is important to eat something that contains proteins and carbohydrates after a workout. A small smoothie with protein powder or yoghurt should suffice.

In order to regain nutrients, replenish energy stores, and initiate muscle recovery, it is advisable to eat within 30 minutes after your workout. It is also important to allow your body to properly digest the food before you sleep.

One of the greatest myths about nighttime workouts is that eating at night will make you fat. Eat what you would normally eat post-workout because the quality of the food you eat is more important than the timing.

3.    Do sleep enough, Don’t cut back on your sleeping hours

Your nighttime workout might give you so much energy that falling asleep becomes a problem. However, compromising on your sleep is detrimental to your health. So what do you do to ensure that you are getting enough sleep? Avoid caffeinated pre-workout supplements if you prefer to workout at night, make sure that your workout and wind-down time after your workout do not cut in on the recommended eight hours of sleep, stay away from screens after your wind-down time, and ensure that you have a regular sleeping routine.

With these hacks, you can get enough sleep even if it may seem hard after getting an intense workout in. exercising increases your core temperature, boosts adrenaline, and increases your heart rate, but it can also improve the quality of your sleep. If you work out too close to bedtime, you may have trouble sleeping.

To ensure that your sleep is not disturbed, allot extra time after an intense cardio workout because the increased level of endorphins may make it harder for you to sleep. However, heavy lifting increases muscle fatigue which leaves you tired and ready to sleep within an hour of your workout. Knowing what works for you makes it easier to get a routine that works.

If you are physically exhausted and too tired as you may be on some days, it would be better to skip the workout and get some rest. Only workout at night if it doesn’t affect your sleeping hours.

4.    Don’t skip the shower, Do take enough time to freshen up and relax

Although you may have plans to take a shower before work in the AM, taking a post workout shower is extremely important. Not only does it prevent breakouts and keep you smelling fresh, it also helps you relax in preparation for bedtime. A warm shower after an intense workout relaxes you after getting your heart rate up. Take your time in the shower and use your favorite relaxing products.

5.    Don’t fail to track your progress, Do evaluate you results

There is no greater motivator than seeing that you are gradually getting closer to your goal. If you need extra motivation, keep track of your progress and evaluate how well nighttime workouts work for you. It will show you the changes you need to make (if any changes are needed) and it will be a great way to see how well you perform regardless of the time you work out.

Although finding time to work out may seem difficult, it helps to have a routine that you can strictly follow without affecting other aspects of your life such as work, rest, and social obligations.  Working out for 30 minutes every day is enough to stay fit physically and mentally. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week.

With a good workout routine, a basic schedule can work for you. If all you need is motivation, then consistency for a month and the changes you see in your physique will be enough to motivate you to regularly workout regardless of the timing.


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